For smooth running of the computer you should make sure it is working correctly. Although you may have the right software for your PC but another aspect to deal with is Overheating. When the computer is in running state, it generates heat. All the components like hard disk, motherboard, video card and processor generates heat. Heat dissipation increases with increase in hardware.
Cooling systems
cpu overheatingFans and heat sinks are the cooling systems installed by computer manufacturers to reduce heat produced. Over clocked machines or high-end systems may have customized systems that include liquid or gas cooling. Heat is dissipated by drawing it with the help of heat sink. Cool air is passed by the fan attached to heat sink. Fans are of two types: one that blows air out and the other blows in. Fans that blow air inwards are attached to heat sinks and while the fans attached to CPU have two fans. One blows in and other blows out.
Causes of overheating
• Over clocking – To increase the performance and speed over clocking is done. It causes more heat due to modification of the frequency and voltage of the device. The system will overheat if over clocked systems does not have customized or high-performance cooling systems.
• Malfunctioning or blocked fans – Generally fans are attached to components like video cards, processor and CPU case. Even if one or all of them gets malfunctioned or blocked, much heat is produced as insufficient air blows in or out. Halt in working of fans may be caused by dust, dirt or other particles.
• CPU location – A cooling system may become useless if heat is not able to escape. This happens in cases when the computer is located at a congested area as airflow is also restricted.
• Improper airflow – Overheating can also be caused by improper arrangement of cables and other components inside the CPU case.
The dangers of CPU overheating
• Shortens life span of components – Overheating can shorten the life span of components. E.g. overheated video cards have less life as compared to normal ones.
• Consume lot of electricity – Overheated device consumes more electricity due to reduced efficiency.
• Melt your device – Plastic components may get melted due to overheating. E.g. a blocked fan may melt the socket or motherboard.
• Causes fire – Shells and cables may catch fire because of melting caused by overheating.
Common signs of overheating
• Frequent shutdowns
• Noisy fans
• Hot exhaust
• Frequent and sudden restarts
Getting rid of overheating
Increase in consumption of electricity is another drawback of overheating. Tips to prevent overheating:
• Invest in better cooling system – An efficient cooling system should be used in case of high end systems. You can either buy pricey gas or water cooling systems, or buy heavy duty fans.
• Clean the CPU regularly – Fans and openings are blocked by dust and dirt. So you should clean your PC with brush or a portable vacuum cleaner.
• Let the CPU breathe – The CPU must not be placed inside a closed cabinet or under a tight desk. It should be placed in an area where cool air can get inside and hot air can blow out.
• Rearrange the cables –Cables should be arranged in such a way that they do not restrict air from cooling system. Hard drives should be placed apart in the case. Use round type cables instead of flat IDE cables.
A temporary fix
You can open the case for some time if you do not have enough cash to buy cooling system. When the system is running you should place the electric fan in front of it to cool the system down. Remember to replace the case after you turn off the computer so that dirt particles cannot enter inside.
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